"Whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you. I have learned from you. And you've made me a better president. With your stories and your struggles, I return to the White House more determined and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do." President Barack Obama
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Quotes+from+Obama+acceptance+speech/7508886/story.html#ix
Last night I cried tears of joy and celebrated with family and friends we made history once again. We have re-elected our first African American President this a victory for so many people but especially Black people in my personal opinion. Our ancestors are smiling down on us right now. Yesterday I voted in my first election because I was only 17 the last time around I am proud to say that I voted and I voted for President Obama.
President Obama is not a lame duck I don't give a damn what anybody says Donlad Trump, Clint Eastwood, I'm calling out all the haters. Voters don't sleep push your representatives to pass legislation that will benefit you. Please stay enagaed in politics in all elections whether they are Presidental or Primary.