Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Wake Up!" Part 2

Okay now back to this serious matter which I could go on and on about textbooks we all have or had to read them at some point in our lives. Clearly in the 1960's America was going through a turbulent time Civil Rights Movement, Assination of President Kennedy, Gay Rights, Women Rights, etc. what I'm trying to say we are through another turbulent time now our nation elected it's first African-American President Barack Obama, ( I have no issues with Obama)our economy is in the process of recovering, loss of jobs, so many things. Now we have our bold conservative leaders attempting to erase  the past and White-Wash our society yes I said "White-Wash." According to this article the changes that will be made will include the following "Students would be required to learn more about the "unintended consequences" of Title IX, affirmative action, and the Great Society, and would need to study conservative icons like Phyllis Schafly, the Hertiage Foundation, and Moral Majority." Oh wait I'm just getting started this is the cake topper right here also according to the article "The slave trade would be renamed the "Atlantic triangular trade," American "imperialism" changed  to "expansionism," and all references to "capitalism" have been replaced with "free enterprise." As well the role of Thomas Jefferson  who argued for the separation of church and state – is minimized in several places, and the standards would emphasize the degree to which the Founding Fathers were driven by Christian principles.

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