Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ethnic Notions: Blackface in 2011????

Even though Black History Month has passed last month Beyonce' caught much flack for a photo shoot that has really pissed some people off. I admit I am not too happy with what I have just seen but I am not going to attack her for this if I ever met her I would ask her questions about it and then explain my knowledge and how as well as why it was offensive. In the words of the late great Marvin Gaye what's going on? I am going to give a little history lesson and make my thoughts and opinion clear.

All my life my parents have always taught me a few things never bring shame to myself, never bring to shame to my family, friends, and my Black Community. Recently each Thursday I have watched The Black History Classic Films Series at my school. A few weeks back we watched a documentary entitled "Ethnic Notions" it discussed the way African-Americans have been portrayed in the media in America. One thing that we saw that still makes my blood boil is the infamous "Minstrel Show."

What is the Minstrel Show? The minstrel show is defined and known as an American entertainment consisting of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, performed by white people in black face or, especially after the Civil War, black people in the black face. Black face minstrelsy was the first distinctly American theatrical form. In the 1830s and 1840s, it was at the core of the rise of an American music industry, and for several decades it provided the lens through which white America saw black America. African-Americans were depicted in films, music, and television, etc. as lazy, buffoonish, joyous, superstitious, and joyful. I would advise  Beyonce' to be cautious about the photos she takes and she decides to represent because its not like she has been a bad role model in her 14 year career.

Where does Beyonce' come in with all of this? Beyonce' did a photo shoot for French magazine L'Officiel Paris in their 90th anniversary issue she pays tribute to African culture, donning head wraps, and gorgeous gowns. There were a few shots that had Beyonce' in her natural skin color which weren't bad. So I think the magazine and photographers should have selected various Black women model, singers, actors, etc. to represent because Black people come in all shades and hues. That would have been my only suggestion I think Beyonce' thought it was a good idea but the finished product proved otherwise. I could see why people are upset because back in the day Black people participated in Minstrel Shows and did Black face to get a chance in the music and acting industry.

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