Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Words Can Hurt!!!!!!!

They were crying to the camera

Said he never fitted in

He wasn't welcomed

He showed up the parties

We was hanging in

Some guys puttin' him down

Bullying him round round

Now I wish I woulda talked to him

Gave him the time of day

Not turn away

If I woulda been the one to maybe go this far

He might have stayed at home

Playing angry chords on his guitar

These are the lyrics recited from Kelly Rowland's 2002 debut solo single "Stole" the song was incredible because it had deep message behind it and the video spoke volumes. It related to adolescents and teens because bullying and peer pressure is something they encounter everyday. Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase, and Billy Lucas were all homosexual young men that have committed suicide after being tormented and ridiculed by their peers.

Bullying is a serious issue that has never been resolved and for some terrible reason the victims get punished or take their own lives. These young men maybe gone but will never be forgotten. My life motto is "Be happy who with you are." If something or someone is bothering you  please speak up and if you know someone is being mistreated do something about it this individual is still a human being a daughter, son, brother, friend, etc. Parents and administrators need to be more supportive and understanding towards children and teens especially in cases of bullying and facing insecurities.

Tyler Clementi was an 18 year old freshmen at Rutgers University. He jumped to his death off the George Washington Bridge, after his roommate and another individual recorded him having sex and posted it on the Internet.
Asher Brown was 13 year old eighth grader at Hamilton Middle School in Houston, TX. He shot himself in the head after being "bullied to death." Asher was tormented for being small, his religious beliefs, for the way he dressed, and for being gay. His bullies acted out mock gay sex acts in phys ed class. His parents said they administrators at the Harris, Texas about how their son was taunted. It has been a year and a half and no action had been taken.

Seth Walsh was also a 13 year old that hung himself from a tree in his backyard after years of being bullied  died after nine days on life support.

Justin Aaberg was a 15 year old that hung himself he was bullied by his peers and had recently broke up with his boyfriend. Apparently these unfortunate events took a toll on him and he took his own life.

 Raymond Chase was 19 year old sophomore a Culinary Arts major at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island that hung himself in his dorm room.

Billy Lucas was a 15 year old was a freshmen at Greensburg High School in Indiana. A former classmate says that he was taunted by all and his former classmate also said that Billy made administrators aware of the LGBT bullying, and they did nothing about it. Unfortunately he hung himself in the barn after being called a "Fag" one too many times.
I feel as though these young men did not take their own lives but society stole their lives, society stole their peace of mind. How many more young men and women must die?  I admit that I was a bully before and later in middle school the tables turned. I  was bullied myself and once contemplated taking my own life but the support of family and friends steered me in a different direction. Most importantly I learned to love myself. I just want more young men and women to know that everyone is not going to be your friend and chances are this person or people that may be giving you a hard time is really envious of you.

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