Wednesday, May 29, 2013

All That Lady, All That Lady Liberty

Are you familiar with the Statue of Liberty and the meaning behind it? Well I'm here to tell you the truth once more and provide some more insight on hidden aspects of history.

What You Were Taught About the Statue of Liberty Before.... According to American history taught in school you probably told the " Statue of Liberty" was created to commemorate the friendship or forced bond between the US & France during the Revolutionary War. The words inscribed on the statue state of the following "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddles masses yearning to breathe free." The meaning behind this quote essentially is saying that America was haven created and used by refugees and immigrants from every corner of the world. I guess this is the precursor to the "melting pot theory."

Original Intent Behind Lady Liberty... The Statue of Liberty was originally a Black woman, the original concept of the Statue of Liberty, Black soldiers played in the ending of Black African Bondage in the United States. French historian Edourd de Laboulaye, Chairman of the French  Anti-Slavery Society, who together with the help of sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, proposed to the French government that the people of France give the citizens of the United States through the American Abolitionist Society, the gift of a Statue of Liberty in recognition of the fact that Black soldiers won the Civil War in the United States.

The statue was given to the United States, the Minister of France  in 1884  he believed that the dominant view of broken shackles would be offensive to  the Southern region of the United States, because the Statue would be pose as a reminder of Blacks winning their freedom. This accomplishment was a reminder to the South that they lost to the French and their despised captives defeated them as well.

Sources of Proof
Book: The Journey of the Songhai People

New York Times Magazine Part II 1986 Issue article by Laboulaye

Original dark face of the Statue of Liberty in New York Post June 17, 1986 French Embassy

Original model with broken chains at her feet and in her left hand

 I Love Black People (Facebook Group)

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