Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grass Isn't Always Greener on the Other Side

What is a heterosexual? A person sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex. Or a person who has sexual relations with the opposite sex. Colloquially known as "straight."

Recently one of my favorite CNN news anchors Don Lemon has announced publicly that he is gay so basically he came out of the closet in other words and I am respect him and I am happy for him. Recently Don has had numerous interviews promoting his new book and discussing his sexuality. One thing that caught my attention was Don Lemon said "Yes the Black Community is homophobic." I disagree with that statement and that statement and many other opinions and perceptions gave me inspiration to write this blog posts.

Why do people hate heterosexuals? Why do some people feel as though as heterosexuals are evil? These are a couple of questions I am curious about. Also I want to provide some insight or words of clarity. I actually typed into the search engine of Google saying Why do people hate heterosexuals? Let's just say I saw a lot of backlash.

Sad Loner from Kansas City, MO said " I wouldn't say that I hate heterosexuals...I just simply dislike them because the way they are. They are heteroist, homophobic, control freaks, the decide what I can and can't do as a gay man, they think that they are superior, straight couples make me feel uncomfortable and I actually panic if a straight couple is near me. I'm extremely jealous of them because I can't be like them... I dislike them because they owe this I could go on forever...and so many reasons to dislike heteros."

Toni Words aka My Response: I am sorry that you feel that way although I am  a heterosexual  woman and I will not make any apologies for being who I am. I am what I am. There are struggles in your life that you have dealt with and will continue to deal with  and the same thing goes for me. For the record I don't feel that way about gay people and ironically sometimes I feel like the gay population is larger than the straight population but you won't and don't see make making post saying "Do you hate homosexuals?"

Another person made a comment in response to Sad Loner's comment; Blue Dog from Truman, AR said this " What I hate is for people to try to make an issue over their sexuality and then cram it down everyone else that is NOT of their orientation's throat. That's what I hate. Why don't you just live and let live and don't worry about what straights think of you? If it didn't bother you, and you didn't know in your heart (conscious) that you are wrong in the first place, you wouldn't make an issue out of it stop trying to get to attention for yourself."

Toni Words aka My Response: Well its clear that you feel strongly opposed to his comments and lifestyle I guess. I agree with him when he says this guy shouldn't be concerned about straight people have to say because then you will never truly be happy.

I will touch basis with the Don Lemon situation in another post. I just want people to realize that is is not easy being heterosexual or straight either because the older I get the more and more I witness and realize people dislike people just like me. Let's just keep it real and understand this some people are going to taunt, tease, and hate, boys and girls; men and women for any and everything whether it be the individual is tall, short, skinny, fat, so yes  that does include people having issues with another person's sexuality.  Does that make it right not it does not. Everyone knows right from wrong.

Its apparent that straight people are disliked and hated the same way people within the gay community are disliked an hated although maybe not that the extent gays are hated I guess.  I think more research and conversation needs to be sparked to really here both sides. Straight people are human beings as well we laugh, cry, eat, sleep, shit and die. Also some straight people will never understand how a gay person is gay, and some gay people will never understand straight people. Not all straight people are evil nor are they all innocent but all of us aren't bad that's something I really want to make very clear.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, not everyone knows right from wrong. Some people are never taught, and some people are misinformed about what it means and haven't had the opportunity to learn differently yet. That's why there are people (like me) whose job it is to teach morality.
