Monday, June 28, 2010

"Fall Back!"

America has many issues such as the economy, education, wars, foreign policy, domestic policy, the list goes on but one hot topic that is fresh on every one's mind is the Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast many people have been criticizing President Obama saying that he hasn't shown any empathy and could be doing a better job. Let's keep in mind that he has been in office for a short period of time but people should be used to his laid back attitude. I have been watching extensive coverage on The Situation Room live on CNN and Former President Bill Clinton was interviewed Sunday in Cape Town, Africa and when asked about President Obama's leadership this is what he had to say "I think he's done a better job than he's  given credit for," Clinton said. "I feel very strongly about this." Back in the 1990's when Clinton had only seen his second year in office his approval ratings dropped but I feel as though we are never content and sometime ungrateful when we have a good leader. "Until people feel good about their own lives, they're not going to feel good about their President," Clinton said. "And there's nothing you can do about that." Clinton also said that a few things I feel strongly about and agree with he said Obama is brilliant, articulate, and an exceedingly empathetic person. Understand that President Obama has his tied to his back he has a job most people can't handle he has made progress but miracles don't happen over night so let the man do his job.

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